Wednesday, July 27, 2011

James Reilly against total smoking ban in cars

James Reilly against total smoking ban in cars -

He said he favoured introducing legislation, as early as possible next year, to ban smoking in cars when children are present.
The minister said the State had a duty of care to minors and he wanted to start a public debate on the issue.
However, he is not proposing a total ban, as suggested in some newspaper reports today.

Well he's a bloody Saint then isn't he?
With all his concern and caring the world's problems will just go away.

It's not snuff, it's not snout … it's Snus | Society | The Guardian

It's not snuff, it's not snout … it's Snus | Society | The Guardian

But it does have its downsides. "I find it very addictive, just as much as cigarettes," says Jon Hedelien, who gets through three boxes a day. And while it won't make your clothes stink, it does have a major antisocial drawback. As Rosengren points out: "I wouldn't want to snog anyone when I was using Snus: it makes your breath pretty strong."

That's right.
Always end any tobacco related story good or bad on the down note.
After all it's the big bad.

Tim Dare: Smoking bans and human rights - Opinion - NZ Herald News

Tim Dare: Smoking bans and human rights - Opinion - NZ Herald News

 Obvious limitations on smoking are justified in psychiatric hospitals as they are elsewhere, and Davies and Lawn's points about the normalisation of smoking are well made. But psychiatric patients are an extremely vulnerable group, at least some of who have immediate and pressing health needs, and those health needs must be our primary concern. That concern does not appear to warrant a complete smoking ban in psychiatric hospitals.

Good gravy.
I feel like I'm going to pass out.Someone is making sense and doesn't want to rip smoking away from vulnerable people.
Satan must be ice skating right now.