Sunday, September 18, 2011

When men were men and smoked like chimneys

When men were men and smoked like chimneys | The Japan Times Online:

In shelters from Saitama to upper Miyagi, thousands of men professed to miss their cigarettes and complained that it was hard to feel a sense of normalcy unless they had a cigarette between their lips.
Filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki was one of the first public figures to start a cigarette fund, and sent over nearly 1000 boxes to smokers in Tohoku. A case-hardened smoker himself, Miyazaki said in a TV interview that in times like these, nicotine is a source of nourishment, and that it was folly to apply normal health standards to those under severe strain. 

One of the best things I have read in a long time.
No rushing to admonish on the evils of the devil weed,no lectures really,just stories.
Makes me smile just reading it.

Tobacco worries - Jamaica in treaty contravention

Tobacco worries - Jamaica in treaty contravention - Lead Stories - Jamaica Gleaner - Sunday | September 18, 2011:

 Speaking with The Sunday Gleaner, chairman of the Heart Foundation of Jamaica Coalition for Tobacco Control, Dr Knox Hagley, predicted that Jamaica faces embarrassment for its nonchalant attitude to tobacco cultivation when it attends the upcoming upcoming United Nations High Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases scheduled for this month.
Hagley lamented that there is no clear-cut sanction for breaching the treaty, except embarrassment and public outcry.

Hmm,so if someone breeches the treaty all that can happen is they will become the people the UN point at and whisper about behind their backs?
Doesn't sound so bad to me.
If there is a treaty that could hurt your nation's economy and produce fewer and fewer jobs and put more people on government assistance then why in the hell would you sign it?